I love it how in this speach just given, summarised in the Aus, Howard talks loads about the end of political correctness, or rather it's pairing back to 'sustainable' levels under his leadership as one of his greatest achievements.
I believe this is his single greatest achievement. The whole of the West has moved this way but Australia had a singlular problem with it's identity and it's confidence which resulted in the emasculation of it's culture under Keating. To get to the stage we are at now where young people embrace Australian history and culture as a a source of pride could not have been predicted in 1995. It's all thanks to Howard with the backing of Costello and the other Libs.
Today we laugh at the John Butler Trio, only New Zealanders like him. Back then Iota was getting started to rave reviews and rapturous enthusiams from beaded tofu-eaters. The Lord is merciful. All that is in the past.
But it may very well come back under Rudd with his army of do-gooders. Howard knows that average Joe hates the idea of being lectured by know-it-all lefties: people who have no aboriginal or ethnic people in their neighbourhoods let alone at their dinner table, and yet decree that everyone else should step aside to make room for their special needs.
The loser must be elevated to the status of winner. Only then is justice done. The successful culture must be humbled. So say the left. Newsflash commies: you can't humble the people by force in a democracy.
The war on balls is about to commence. I only hope that if Rudd gets in he understands that the culture wars are a lost cause for the left electorally. The people are determined to hang onto their pride. We are the good guys. Just like the Americans. The ALP had better be ready for Giulianni presidency and an continuation, and possibly an escalation of the War on Terror (pronouced "Trrrr" in the "W" style)
Of course avoiding political correctness is not just about saving the pride of the majority of people. Reducing the mainstream to the moral second rung also brings about bad policy. It entrenches welfare dependency and lawlessness in minority communities. The victimhood badge is justification for any crime or any demand.
The crowning glory of Howard's premiership to date has been the NT intervention. The nation irreversably stepped down a path to unity. One law, one country, one language, one shit load of opportunities for everyone.
The threat of break-away Islamic communities remains. If the ALP gets in there will much less emphasis on skilled immigration and on integration. Separation will be encouraged though multiculturalism and distrust will reign. People will quit Western Sydney and Inner West Melbourne in droves. The areas will become un-inhabitable ghettos where not even the cops go. Crime will escalate.
This is what happenned in England in 'New Labour'. They are still captives of an old morality that does not believe the law needs enforcing of that people need to love and respect their country.
The country will get more racist for having to repress legitamate fears. They will vote with their feet and move to white enclaves or just leave the country.
All this is avoidable if we speak the truth rather than have our tongues tied with PC nonsense. If I see a certain behavour being mainly displayed by a certain group in society, be they muslims, vegetarians, overweight children or saxophone-playing midgets i'm gonna say so.
I'm not going back to the way things were no matter who gets in.