In Australia that is. Every other country in the world has a problem with it. Apparently not here given the amount of coverage the issue has had in the media during the election campaign.
But there appears to be gangland-style shootings going on the in comfy cosmopolitan Sydney district of Leichart now. Some of those bullets probably whisked past Sydney Uni academics on a break, or Glebe-residents lefty journos doing lunch.
Maybe the papers might start giving a shit about crime now.
The sensationalist TV current affairs shows give it a run, but they know the supermarkets are the real bad guys, right?
I guess it's technically a state issue, but that has not stopped Rudd from blaming Howard for everthing else that not his fault or his juristiction.
Maybe it's best Howard left it off the agenda, but for me that's gutless. Of course if Howard says anything about the failure of the NSW Labor govt to enforce the law the Ruddites will carp on about 'eleven long years' of Howard ignoring it.
On the contrary. Howard's immigration policy of strict integration has gone a long way from stopping Australia's cities from going the way of Europe's - roamed by lawless criminal gangs with no allegiance but to their rebellious identity - certainly not to the country. And don't gimme that lefty shit. We all know immigration and crime are related.
It's all about loyalties. Young men are violent by nature, it has to be channelled properly. They have to be brought to heel - white and black and every shade in between. They need to salute the flag, or they'll start shooting at it.
The lefty arguments about every crime being a 'cry for help' are bollocks.
Lefty arguments about supposed Australian racism being the cause of ethinic gang violence are also crap. We just call a crim a crim. As Jack White says, 'you just can't take the effect and make it the cause'.
Immigration is great, if we all assymilate. The numbers have increased, so must the emphasis on becoming a patriotic Aussie. The recent increase in crime in places like Victoria is a consequence of complacency on this issue and a reluctance of the Police to enforce the law.
PC hand-cuffs will be applied to the cops if Rudd gets in, and the ALP will not push the integration agenda.
Welcome to New Labour Australia. This is going to get alot worse if Rudd get's in just like it did in Britain.
Maybe I should see that as a chance for Liberals to get in at State level and actually fix the Labour mess. Thank goodness for the division of power in this country.