Why was Rudd an hour late for his big speech at the ALP campaign launch?
At this stage of course I can only speculate, but i'd say it was quite likely that the excessive adrenaline in the minutes before he was about to go on Rudd may have have heart trouble. If so he would have had a shot in the arm before he went on from a doctor. This would have explained the delay.
If course this is just speculation as I say, but I swear that when was speaking early on he looked a bit weird to me: kind-of blissed-out and repressing a semi-detached smile. This could have been a (legal) drug high or he could have been intoxicated by a power-trip brought on by the robotic ovations he kept getting. I don't like either possiblity myself.
If Rudd's health was the reason for the delay the ALP would have quickly drafted a confidentiality agreement with the doctor before the visit took place, if they had not done so already. The ALP would have been immidiately on the phone to the press to repress coverage of the delay as well.
The delay has to be explained by the ALP. It can't have happened for no reason. Was he sick or was it harmless? We need to know.
The health of the nation's leader has a big impact on how he/she can deal with crises. If the leader dies in the middle of a crisis the crises gets bigger, Also the leader is a little worse off than they otherwise might have been.
Will the media do their duty, or will the keep Rudd alive just long enough to kick Howard out? Do they care about the country? If they do they will care about Rudd's health and not poo-poo this delay.