and who mentioned it? Who gives a shit about this? Howard that's who.
Rudd has had the whole campaign to say something on any of the moral issues facing society - and no climate change is not a 'moral challenge' it's an economic one. Actually he mentioned gambling. So what. I just went to the melbourne cup and gambled. If he's got an issue he should talk to state Labor about that.
Howard waited to see if he had anything to say on drugs, terror, indigenous affairs. He said SFA. Howard could not say anything earlier as he knew Rudd would just me to it. So he had to leave his big statements till the end.
Now the values issues will come out in the last week. Just like the last election.
Why is it Labour supporters feel they are the sole fount of all moral virtue? It's THEIR candidate that has been encouraging the Aussie populace to whinge about the cost of child-care and mortgage repayments on McMansions. Rudd is the wallet candidate. Newsflash to the ALP: Morality and class war are not the same thing. Lefty values are just soooo 20th-century.
Howard is the candidate with the values, yes, the VALUES that this country needs: Individual Freedom, Enterprise, Patriotism, Respect for the law, Working hard for your family, taking responsibility for your own life.
The fact that he knows he is the values candidate has been revealed by his kicking off the last week by tackling drugs and welfare abuse. These are the number one and two problems in this country.
Howard has once again shown his genius at knowing the concerns of the battler. Remember the battler lives next to the bludger. The battler's kids and the bludger's kids play together. These people are scared of the future because their kids are off their chops every weekend, not because interest rates are a little higher.
Kevin Rudd's shrill bark is worse than his bite. Howard the underdog is about to tear him to shreds. Fur is gonna fly next saturday. I can't wait.
PS Did anyone see how THE AGE's editors could not find sufficient difference between the major parties to recommend their readers vote for Labour? Donkey votes might see some ALP marginals fall to the Libs in victoria. They are considered so safe on a margin of 1% no-one has polled them. Hubris, apathy and complecency may well end this for Rudd.
No news yet on why he was late for his big date. Hats off to the insiders for asking Gillard