And where's that blasted brain?!
On the plane! On the plane!
Finally the universit sector has said something, or rather someone has published that they said something about the lost of funds from universities because the ALP's proposed abolition of full-fee places.
"The big missing point in the whole discussion is not the compensation (for universities losing full-fee revenue) but what is going to happen to those places," higher education commentator Andrew Norton said. "That is a vital detail which we've heard nothing about."
[From Julie Bishop (education minister)]
"The other point is that the small number of full-fee places we've got are in the areas of skills shortage, in medicine and dentistry, and it's illogical to strip universities and students of the opportunity to take up full-fee places in skills shortage areas. "
How and you solve the skills 'crisis' and have a world class education system if your chances acutually rob universities of money and reduce university places?
Monash University vice-chancellor Richard Larkins said a straight swap of HECS places for full-fee places would leave institutions out of pocket.
"Expanding the number of commonwealth-supported places to compensate would be logical, but the income from these full-fee places is significantly more per place per student," Professor Larkins said.
I guess they'll just have to offer more places at a dumbed down standard to get the money back off the government.
Forward to the past with Rudd we go. This is exactly how universities were going under Keating. I was there. They were hotbeds of complacency and dispair for the intelligent and understimulated. You were better off going to Oxford like Hawke and Beazley did.
I'm sure Rudd thinks he can solve the skills crisis he invented without allowing people to the freedom to pay for their education, or the universities to get paid. He's a master of self-deception like Tony Blair. The fact remains however that people are not motivated unless they are free to succeed, and free to fail. He's a lefty. They class idiot will always get more attention under him. The smart kids will continue to leave, as I did.
I came back to fight for individuality in my home country. Most wouldn't be so stupid.