Holy Crap!! It's worse than I thought. The all powerul Rudd has handed Gillard the power to conduct the education revolution as well as roll back IR. That's right. A Marxist is now in change of the kiddies' brains.
There have been comments from teachers on-line about who education is about more than productivity. Not to the ALP it isn't. It's about creating an army of indoctrinated drones to overturn the beurgois(sp) social order.
There is only one solution to this: private education.
The choice is clear. When I have kids they are going to private school to keep them away from the teacher's union.
The universities in Australia should leave the public system and go private like Bond and Charles Sturt universities. They should charge fees, make money and improve the standard of the education they give. Sydney university was by no means a world-standard insitution when I went. It stank of mediocrity. It was boring. Understimulating. Smart kids need more than universities are giving them. They are heading in a bolder direction now and they can't stop just because the ACTU, sorry Labor party doesn't like it.
If the unversities are not private by the time my kinds are 17 i'm going to encourage them and pay for them to go to Oxford or Harvard. Maybe they can get a scholarship like Hawke or Beazley.
Progress cannot be stopped no matter how hard the revolutionaries try. We want our kids the think for themselves. They need good strong values to allows them stand independently. We want to give them the experiences of winning and losing and toughen them up. We want to give them the pleasures of poetry, music and literature, not drugs.
We are now a confident nation. A free country in the proud Western Liberal Democratic tradition. There are ways of taking these bastards on. Democracy is not the tyranny of the majority. It's about individual freedoms. In the face of the withdrawing of educational freedoms like full-fee university places hopefully the activist judiciary and legal profession will be won back to the Liberal cause. With them side we can successfully defend out rights as individuals to be more than just part of a collective.
Many readers will not know that the doctors faught the creation of an Australian NHS in the High Court in the 40's when Chifley was PM and won on the grounds that forcing doctors into the employ of the state was civilian conscription. Medicare is a compromise solution that is a lot less than what the ALP originally wanted. Expect more of these choice-destroying takovers. Expect a fight.
The great thing about 21st century Australia is that the hostility between dictatorship of the proletariat and the freedoms of the educated is now in full view. People like me used to be too scared to say anything let alone do anything, and that was only if they even allowed them selves to recognise the problem before their own eyes. Once apon a time the poverty of ambition was a strange mystery. Now we see it is the end product of a shaming of smart-kids from the moment the realise they are smart, and could out-smart the herd if they wanted.
This happened me and I refuse to let it happen to my kids.