Sunday, January 20, 2008

Rudd's commie diplomacy

The Rudd Labor govt's three diplomatic moves so far all have one thing in common: they suck up to China.

1. No targets, not even aspirational ones for 'developing' countries under the new Kyoto

2. Attacking Japansese whaling with Aust govt vessels

3. Stopping uranium sales to India

You can expect this pattern to be maintaned. Chairman Rudd is in the
process of selling us out.

I know Rudd has alot in common with bureaucratic communists, but this nation does not need to go the way of China.

China is not a democracy. They are our our trading partner not our ally.

(this was orginally cast as a comment on Peirs Akeman's peice on uranium sales to India at He's got a good one on whaling too.