The cracks in Rudd's facade are spreading. He may masquerade as a conservative but his minions are not. In attempting to pull them on he is revealing that he, like all Laborites, are Stalinists at heart. He must have control by any means necessary.
First, the Opposition Foreign Affairs spokesman makes a speech pleading for the lives of terrorists only 3 days before the anniversary of the Bali bombings.
Rudd quite rightly repudiates the speach the following morning especially denouncing the timing as 'insensitive'. Now that's understatement.
He also says that staffer in his office who scrutinised the speech but missed these majorly offensive items is currently being 'councelled'.
What did I tell ya?!! Rudd believes everyone can and should be re-educated to adopt his line of thinking. Rudd thinks people can be forced to do things voluntarily. Oxymoron, anyone? This is classic socialist double-think. It scares the shit out of me.
The pretense is made of soothing and calming and helping a person in order to help them with some sort of affliction. That terrible disease is having your own opinion.
It is far more honest and honourable to admit that you are punishing someone for stepping out of line. That admits that differing opinions in sane people are possible and good and should resolved politically, by compromise.
But Rudd knows that it's much more effective to encourage people to stop themselves from behaving in a certain way by attaching the shameful stigma of illness or insanity to that behaviour under the pretence of helping them. It saves the effort of punishment and saves face because you don't look like a tyrant, even though behind the scenes your tyranny is perfected.
A chill runs down my spine at the thought of this man running the country. I can hear the thought police coming for me already.
Dont' scoff! Just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you. They're coming for you too. They can't put you in jail (yet) but if the cultural left invades everyone's workplaces, schools and homelives they will take away your career, your friends, your sex-life and the loyalty of any children you may have. The only reason they need is that you once voted for John Howard. I remember the 90's. I'm never going back to that PC tyranny again.
Back to now. All is not lost. How is Rudd going to deal with his opposition affairs spokesman? Is he going to presume to 'counsel' him? I guess he has to. He can't allow the perception to spread further than his party disagrees with his official line on almost every issue. They are all deluded, Kevvy. Keep telling yourself that. Keep telling yourself that the magnetism of your massive sense of self-righteousness will bring them in, eventually.
Kevin Rudd should openly punish his opposition affairs spokesman with stronger words than 'insensitive'. Try 'downright disrespectful to Australian terror victims'. We need to know if Rudd can control his party for real? He needs to genuinely crack the whip against socialists in his own party and in the the union movement if he has any hope of convincing a sceptical electorate that a vote for Rudd is anything other than a step back to Australia's culturally crippled past of herd-thuggery and tall-poppy lopping at the hands of the ACTU and their allies in academia.