No not firearms. The pulp mill in Tassie. Y'know. That big one with effluent and world best proctology or whatever. Oh right, so when a journo or blogger like myself says "Gunns" you don't immediately think of trees and stuff. I guess you won't have understood all the stupid headlines over the last few weeks then. Don't blame ya. I personally couldn't give a toss.
All I can say is that Malcolm Turnbull is just going to have to put the national interest ahead of his own prospects in his electorate, just like the PM. It's a perfectly noble position to take. People claim to like conviction pollies nowadays. Losing your seat for the sake of good policy sure looks good on the conviction CV.
Mal could make a good comeback, but I don't think he'll lose. I reckon most of the doctor's wives in Wentworth are Jewish. We about to see some serious shit go down in the form of an Israeli or US air-strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. This will be very devisive and the Libs are way more pro-Israel than Labour. Rudd wants to charge Ahmadenajad (sp) in some court with no jurisdiction. Howard wants to kick his butt.
The wedge is yet to come. That wedge it Terror. Or as W says, "trrr".