Rudd says the recalling of parliament within the constitutionally permitted period of time is a waste of money.
I think this indicates his instincts brilliantly. He does not like the constitutional democratic process. It just gets in his way. Tell ya what Kevvy, why dont you say you'll do away with politicians altogether, that sort of super populist nonsensical noise is right up your street. Let's replace them all with bureaucrats pushing pencils working out how the rest of us should live our lives, rather than people representing divergent interest unpeasantly disagreeing.
My Dad made great point to me that Rudd is a bureaucrat not a politician. He does not believe in different points of view. He does not believe in debate. Rudd thinks that there is one solution to every problem that can be worked out with a pencil by one guy on his own - namely Kevin Rudd.
Pollies believe solutions at a governmental level involve debate (read: negotiation) between different groups with competing interests. The job of the polly is to prioritise. To make hard choices where some people lose out, at least this time, but the community benifits as a whole. This may seem harsh, but not when you acknowledge that you can't be everything to everyone. Certain courses of actions are mutually exclusive and you must choose one. Paradoxically overuling people actually acknowledges that they disagree, it's just that their needs can't be accomodated this time. Dissent is permitted, even encouraged, just not always acted upon.
Rudd as a died-in-the-wool socialist believes that all people can and should be made to accept their fate, and dissent is immoral. Rudd and all of the left are intolerant of other idealogies. All Socialists are Stalinists. Rudd has form here. Witness the Brisbane Gulag. Thought crime will be on the statute books in Australia like in Britain if New Labor gets in. You will think good thoughts about other people all the time, or else!
Hands up who wants intellectual freedom. These rights we take for granted are by no means guaranteed in the 21st century.