NSW Premier Morris Iemma thinks everyone in Australia over the age of 16 is a rape victim because we've all got drunk and had sex!!
The NSW ALP is legislating to define the nature of sexual consent because of political pressure over the lack of convictions at rape trials. The new move follows actions to prevent plaintifs in such cases from being cross-examined. It is perceived that defendents in such cases are exploiting loopholes in the law. The new definition of consent contains much that is laudible, one cannot consent to sex if one is subjected to or threatened with phycical violence, if one is detailed unlawfully, or asleep, unconcsious or drugged. That makes perfect sense to me.
But under the new law it will be impossible for you to legally consent to sex IF YOU ARE DRUNK!!!!
I didn't realise that all those times i got drunk and got laid I was not actually consenting to sex. Those women took advantage of me and although I enjoyed every minute of it I AM A VICTIM! The ALP tells me so.
I commend the desire to remove confusion in the law but what is the motivation here, to protect the rights of women or to scare the living hell out of men?
The idea that everyone, man or woman, who has sex with someone who is drunk is a rapist is madness. It's terrifying. It will cause a huge drop in the fertility rate.
This is Australia not France. We are not very good at seduction. Like the British we rely on alcohol to lubricate procedings. Ask yourself how many of your relationships have begun as drunken flings. A majority in my case, and up until the age of 26 or so when i got more confident it was 100% or thereabouts.
Sex without alcohol in Australia is inconceivable (no pun intended). Nobody will ever have sex in NSW again if Labour gets their way. Jeepers! NSW has enough wankers in it as it is.
OK. Maybe it's just a load of cobblers like the law against serving alcohol to drunk people in pubs. It's never supposed to be enforced. But what if it is enforced? The penalty is not a fine. It's a long-ass jail term.
OK. Maybe it's all about the definition of being drunk. How much is enough? If you've a had a few drinks yourself I doubt you will be able to judge the fine line between mild intoxiation and major enibriation. And why should you bear sole reponsibility? It takes two to tango.
What message do you think this gives to a Paris Hilton-type woman: young, sexually active, naive, immature, a little irresponsible and attention-seeking. The message is that it's ok for a woman to demand a jail sentence for a man of she feels guilty in the morning. She wont think twice about ruining the guy's life. She never thinks twice about anything. Not all women have good intentions and this legislation allows such women to use a cannonball to swat a fly.
Rape exists I know. No means no. I understand that. Sadly some men don't. Sometimes women get forced into unconsensual sex. That's 100% wrong and evil and illegal. I think rapists should go to jail for a long time. But what's to be gained from making every bloke who gets drunk with a woman and gets lucky feel like a rapist. This looks like an old fashioned gender-revenge agenda to me. I can't see a case like this stacking up if a man is the plaintif.
Sadly in date rape cases convictions are hard to get. There are no witnesses to the act of sexual violence. I sympathise with the victims. Refining the definition of consent so that fewer rapists get off is a good thing. This should not however absolve women from any responsibility for putting alcohol in their own mouths, even if the guy paid for it.
Women, like men, should take responsibility for their own actions. If somebody drugs you against your knowledge and (obviously) against your will then it's rape. If you put the drugs or alcohol in your own body yourself and as a consequence felt more inclined to say 'yes' then you cannot ruin a man's life because he was johnny on the spot who benefited from that.
That's not justice. That is PC Tyranny. That is what the ALP brings because it cannot control it's own guilty conscience and caves in to any pressure group that presses the right buttons.
The ALP's ethos is to encourage people to feel like victims and blame someone else. They are enacting it in the NSW parliament. They will do the same at the federal level too if you vote them in. The PC police will be back in force mark my words. If you've got any balls you better get ready to snip them off if you want to get anywhere in the labour victim-world to come.