I cannot believe this philistinism and elitism from Melbourne's new lord mayor.
He has opened fire on the "bogans and bad buskers" in Melbourne's CBD.
BOGANS and bad buskers will be driven off Melbourne's streets as new Lord Mayor Robert Doyle looks to make the city family friendly.
Mr Doyle said this morning he would work with nightclub owners and the Australian Hotels Association to address alcohol fuelled violence and that he did not want the city "to become a bogan magnet."
"I actually want families to feel comfortable coming in to the city, bringing their kids and having family time," he told 3AW.
What? What precisely is the big emergency with buskers?
Family time?? When does this alcohol get consumed? Who takes their kids out at midnight? I mean what the hell is this guy on about?
It seems to not make any sense but this is dog-whistle politics for Melbourne snobs. The whistle is tuned to the frequency only the owners of corgis, poodles and shitzus can here.
It is the most odious sucking-up to the milky morally-superior middle class that i think i have ever heard. He's just buying into their distaste for PLT - people like them (as opposed to PLU, people like us, which is to say, them)
There's not even any specifics. He just throws the word bogan in there and everyone has a little chuckle at the expense of the suburbanites like we're all watching an episode of Kath and Kim.
I am honestly disgusted by this patronising, lofty moral elitism. It's the same class politics that we all hate the Labor party for. And a former liberal is now rubbing this filth all over himself.
What is a bogan? I think we all understand it's a person from the suburbs without a university education (unless they have an engineering degree like me in which case you are still a bogan) who wears non-designer jeans, non-designer flannelette shirts and was into Motley Crue before anyone on Chapel street had even heard of them. They like waving the aussie flag at sports events and music festivals. They are big-hearted friendly people but have a healthy distrust for airs and graces being unafraid to fart in public. It's a free country after all. They state their views plainly, for the same reason.
The Bogans are the Bon Scotts, the Angry Andersons, the Shane Warnes, the Lara Bingles, and the John Howards.
Basically Bogans, male and female, have balls.
It's this very stubborn self-possession that offends the middle class. It reminds them too much of the upper-class, the warrior princes, whom they hope to emulate but can't because they are so mentally pissweak. No middle-class ponce will ever even openly disagree with anyone else, let alone challenge them to a duel.
They over-compensate for their sickly weakness, and attendant lack of real respect, by forever attacking the bogans for the lack of morality - which is similar actually to the upper-classes lack of morality, but the middle class are too busy sucking up to them to direct criticism upwards.
The moral middle class are forever finding new things about bogans to dissapprove of, from tastes to lifestyles to houses to cars. Lately global warming elitists love to bash V8 drivers for using up too much petrol, and then hop on a plane to europe.
Now, according to the lord mayor, the very presence of a bogan is offensive and possibly soon to be against the law in the CBD.
Well i for one will not stand for it.
I call on all Bogans to don the flannalette with pride, rev up their Holdens, pump the AC/DC to full volume (for a review of their latest album click here) and head for the Melbourne CBD.
Dont do anything illegal or anti-social, not that a bogan would. Dont shout abuse at anyone with dreadlocks, as tempting as that might be. Just make your presence felt by having a rip-roaring good time. Sing songs arm-in-arm with your mates. Flirt mercilessly with bogans of the opposite sex. Drink responsibly but loudly. Rock out as only a Bogan can.
Show that putrid patronising prick of a Mayor who here knows how to have a good time, and that we as Australian citizens have the right to do it wherever and whenever we like.
Bogans are the beating heart of this great nation. We are the only ones left in the country with the ANZAC's fighting spirit. Dont let some gutless wanker tell you you dont belong in the heart of your own city.
Bon Scott is rolling over in his grave (albeit in Fremantle) knowing that the city where he filmed the video for Long Way To The Top on the back of a truck is now closed off to his fans. How is the Melbourne music scene to survive the loss of its most copious beer-buying patrons?
Do not dissappoint Bon, the man who had the greatest lust for life of any human being, let alone Australian, who has ever lived.
So unto the CBD, my fellow Bogans, once more. If you see me there shout "Oi!" and together we will shake the foundations and rock this ponce off his high horse. Mine's a Carlton Draught.