Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"Postage-Stamp" policy on indigenous affairs

Great article in the OZ today. It contains the best jokes at the expense of the lefty indigenous policy i've ever heard. The best one being:

"We've got to move away from these socialist policies that 'Through your poverty you remain pure' ... this idea that this Aboriginal group is some strange lot of people from the Kalahari or somewhere like that," Mr Tilmouth said.
"We've got to get away from the idea that the best place you can see Aboriginal people is on a postage stamp, to be amazed and wondered at, licked and then stuck on an envelope, which is what the case is at the moment."

The greatest thing is that it's coming straight from the horse's mouth. The guy is Tracker Tilmouth, respected indigenous leader.

Full marks to this bloke and the journos who interviewed him.

There seems to be a cycle at The Australian. The pendulum of editorial bias keeps swinging for and against Rudd. This weeks it's against so, like a couple of weeks back when Tibet hit the headlines, you might not here much from me because the legacy media are actually doing there job of asking questions.