Tuesday, April 15, 2008

No Rudd Rescue for Unions, NOT!

No Rudd Rescue for Unions runs the headline in the OZ. Which would be great, except that the Rudd Labor govt IS rescuing the unions as admitted in the self same article:

Ms Gillard offered one concession yesterday to the unions in the commonwealth public service, confirming Labor had decided to restore automatic payroll deductions of membership fees for government employees. The previous government's decision after it won office in 1996 to end payroll deductions led
to a significant fall in numbers.

So many thousands of public service workers, many of whom will have voted liberal will now be FORCED to cough up money that will go to the Labor party. Get power, take money from the community for the use of your sectional backers. There's a word for this: CORRUPTION.

The above quote is a lovely little capsule of the difference between the parties. The Liberals liberated. They allowed public service employees to not join a union if they didn't want to. The Labor party defended their sectional interest, the unions, and made everyone else a slave to their agenda whether they wanted to or not.

If the 'laborers' wanted to have their rights defended by a union, wouldn't they join voluntarily? Aparently not, they have to forced into doing it for their own good. This is all so bloody communist I can't believe they are getting away with it.

By Gillard's own admission collectivism is 'at the heart' of Labor's IR policy. It is also at the heart of the way their brains think about the world - cop that ya commie cow. They see the individual as the enemy. People acting as individuals will endanger the beautiful unity of their revolution. If we all realise we are all merely cogs in the Labor's morality-machine and we will live happily ever after donating our wages in increased taxes to the greater minds deciding where (apart from our own lives) it should be spent.

Of course there is no revolution. There is no solidarity, other than patriotism and football club supporting. We are all individuals who's first duty is to ourselves. The ALP foster their myths in order to deceive the public, and deceive themselves that they are doing something for the greater good. Of course the real reason they promote collectivism and attack individual choice is the their naked quest for power. Worker's rights of choice stand in the way of union power. THE ALP IS THE UNIONS. Your rights at work must give way to their envious lust for domination.


The curruption inherent in collectivism is the central evil of all left-wing thinking. The fact that Engish-speaking world has not hitherto fallen foul of it is pretty much the sole reason why we enjoy the highest living standards and most political freedom in the world. Labor are doing their best to reverse this trend. History is against them, but if we are not as strong as our forefathers the future will look very different.