Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm into Metal, and as a teenager liked Rap

Misogynistic unprotected sex, anyone?

The Age is running an article about how the type of music teenagers listen to can give insight into their mental disorders:


POP: Conformists, overly responsible, role-conscious, struggling with sexuality or peer acceptance.

HEAVY METAL: Higher levels of suicidal ideation, depression, drug use, self-harm, shoplifting, vandalism, unprotected sex.

DANCE: Higher levels of drug use regardless of socio-economic background.

JAZZ/RHYTHM & BLUES: Introverted misfits, loners.

RAP: Higher levels of theft, violence, anger, street gang membership, drug use and misogyny.

COUNTRY: Prone to paranoid delusions that your dog is dead, you wife's will leave you and you'll lose your house and farm despite the fact you possess none of the above.

CLASSICAL: See Jazz/Blues and Pop: A loner with sexual acceptance issues. An introverted misfit with inserted fist.

Actually I made up the last two. No teenagers would ever listen to country or classical.

That all seems pretty accurate to me. Notice how there is no genre that is OK. No matter what music they listen to teenagers are fucked up!!