Gerard Henderson writes in the SMH.
Not sure I agree with everything he says. I dont think that the Senate should just let crap legislation pass. At the very least the Senate should have legislation reviewed and flaws exposed so even it if does pass we can say "i told you so" later when it all goes tits up.
I also think that Labor are the real blockers in the Senate, having opposed everything the Libs had a mandate for in the Howard years. I half agree with his point that this made Labor look mean spirited and kept them out of office. He says the same will happen to the Libs.
I can understand why the Libs want to pay Labor back of all those years of obstruction, and why there are ignoring talk of a "mandate" (If ever there was a mandate for a tax the GST had one. Labor still opposed it) But it's a question of how this obstruction is perceived by the electorate.
I do think that opposing the alcopop tax makes us look like we dont care about teen binge drinking. Just because Nelson is a Doctor does not mean he is immune to this charge. Sure, it's a revenue grab, but I really couldn't give a shit if ute man is complaining about paying more for pre-mixed bundy and coke. The obvious retort to that is - drink beer you big pussy.
I think we should oppose an ETS unless it's on our terms because that is a BIG DEAL.
But when opposing makes us look petty, I dont think we should do it.