How do you know it's good? Because it's conservative.
TAFE and other vocational training colleges are now going to compete with each other for students under a voucher system.
How about that? He Rudd just talk about being a conservative, he is actually going to apply market principles and make people compete. Makes you think it must have been someone else's idea. Since it came out of the COAG's productivity working group chaired by Education Minister Julia Gillard and Treasury secretary Ken Henry i'd say so. Still, I dont care who came up with it as long as the government is moving in a conservative direction.
It's only the commonwealth part of the funding - most education funding we know is handed over in huge sums to the states as part of GST revenue which Labor state governments then squander - but it's a start.
Let's see some of the Liberal state councils adopt a similar voucher system for state schools and we just might shake the educational sector from it's commified complacency and start giving kids a better education - in the 3 R's and in their values.
I support competition between schools for funds, and between teachers because I think that healthy competitive atmos will flow down to the kids and re-enforce the link between effort reward.