Gippsland's emphatic rejection of Rudd and his perversion of the Aussie lifestyle doesn't it well with pinko Phillip Adams. His
peice in the OZ today speaks volumes of his love for the common man ... NOT!
I learned several things from the article:
Phillip Adams Hates Australia
WHY do we have such a rotten national anthem? It’s because the only words that rhyme with Australia are dahlia and failure.
I love the national Anthem. Australia is advancing, and is fair in every sense of the word. And at least we've got the country's name in our anthem. Unlike Britain.
Adams is indulging himself in the almost-intellectuals' favourite passtime: denouncing the cultural cringe whist unconsciously participating in it and reinforcing it. He describes us as a failure in his title "Add Warming to the Failure List" and then disparages us for seeing ourselves as failures. That a man who writes such contradictions considers himself intellectual is, well, contradictory. Yet he ploughs on, undeterred by his lack of intelligence or wit.
Because were [sic] into failure in a big way. Think of all the films weve [sic] made about our failures. Even before Gallipoli and Burke & Wills ....
Adams lists a bunch of films without a happy ending. Some might claim that Australian's did not need the sacharine bullshit of a happy ending. We appreciate Tragedy, just like the ancient Athenians, the most intellectual and strong-willed people that ever lived, and of course Shakespeare the world's foremost literary giant ever. The best example of Aussie tragedy is
Mad Max II. The best and most original film ever made. Oh yeah, and how about
The Lighthorsemen. It's got one of those happy endings that Aussies don't need but on the plus side it celebrates a victory that actually happened. Pity commies like Adams bagged it in the 80s for precisely this reason, saying the happy ending celebrated war. The reason why Aussie films can be negative is because of the almost-intellectuals' hatred of Australia and desire to represent it as a failure. These films do not represent Australia or the mindset of the broad Aussie public. The man in the street does not make films, and he doesn't watch many Aussie films (apart from Mad Max II "I am The Humungus!").
I also learned that Phillip Adams has little faith in the institutions of democracy, and supports Dictatorship:
Oh, they might be able to slow down the disaster in an authoritarian country, but it is the nature of democracies to dispute and dither.
I see. What does Adams suggest?
In war we switch to a command economy and form war cabinets
Ah. The commie reveals himself. It's those nasty market forces that are the problem. And those naughty political oppositions. Can't the opposition just join with the government in a bi-partisan war cabinet? If only we could force them to agree with the leader.
Still learning: Phillip Adams has no sense of perspective, and as such is a Global Warming alarmist.
we were tackling a problem that makes the Cold War look penny ante, let alone that trivial war on terror
Yeah, Adams. We were wrong to fight the commies in the cold war. If we'd had just given in we could have enjoyed the pleasure of always agreeing with the authorities an the joy of humble poverty. And that war on terror. Adams says that it's trivial that Aussie citizens were killed in cold blood. Say no more.
All that fear mongering over such a "trivial" thing. How can politicians and pundits stoop so low? Then Adams finishes with (speaking of Australia as a swagman)
And his ghost may be heard as you pass by that billabong.
Translation "We're all gonna die!". Even if the world did warm up this would not happen. It would be really annoying and cost alot of money. But we are not all going to die. This is much more about humbling business and the populace so that they sacrifice themselves at the almost-intellectuals' new alter of submission - climate change.
Lastly I learned, Phillip Adams is an old man.
You are an old man, Adams. An old man. Old, man. Man, you are so old. Sooooooo old.
You don't know what the world is coming to do you, Adams? You aren't "cool" anymore so nobody gives a toss what you say, except other old farts. The world does what it wants and all you can do is frown. You miserable old git.
Your cuddly-but-cruel Baby-boomer values are old and out out date. Just like Victorian moral stuffiness and stifling deference.
Soon the hippies of the 60s will all be dead, and you'll be with them. You can have all the peace you want in the grave.
Young Australia has this little thing called life to live. That takes pride, determination and self-belief. We will not humble ourselves with your perverse puritanical post-modern religion. We are too busy building a great nation.
Australia fair advances. Get out of out way, Adams, you geriatric unpatriotic hippie scum.