OMFG!! Nelson is refusing to ask Aussies to lead on climate change in direct and open opposition to Rudd on the issue. Not even the mighty Howard had the guts to do this as the election approached.
Nelson has picked a huge fight. The main opponents to this move are Malcolm Turnbull and Greg Hunt. He is facing down the Libs who want to drag the party to the mushy consequence-free Left. It's a huge gamble. I hope to lord he wins.
He has alot of the voters behind him as we saw in Gippsland, plus the (Labor) States, critically the unions, and now finally the media are getting behind him. Even the conservative media! Whooda thunk it?
Thing is I always knew Nelson had nuts because he refused to betray Howard. He sucked it up during the first few months (Kyoto, apology) like a true battler. Bolt is only realising it now. Bolt and Albrechsten's refusal to support Nelson and fantasizing that Costello has a future are my only complaints about my respected rival commentators.