There are alot of disparaging comments about Nelson's performance on there aswell.
I just want to say I disagree. I think Nelson stonewalled brilliantly. Kerry had all the information he needed from Liberal statement, he was trying to make Nelson sound like that there was no commitment to a 2012 start date for the ETS, when there was a conditional commitment.
I would have loved it if Nelson had comeback with "You seem to be intent on reading between the lines, Kerry. Why don't you read between these lines", holding up three middle fingers. Instead he did the verbal equivalent.
He stuck to his line and didn't change it. In doing so he was giving the bird to all the people in the press who have accused him of vacillating on the ETS issue, when he hasn't.
In the dying seconds Nelson threw O'Brien a bone and admitted of a small possibility that the ETS might not start in 2012 and made no apologies for the delay. I repeat, this is an assertion of his position as it has always stood. Not another shift. (In the sentence "An ETS will start probably by 2012"", the word "probably" admits of a possibility to the contrary. Duh)
But you could tell he did not really want to say that because Turnbull and his mates in the press would beat him up. I dont think shadow cabinet meetings are much fun for anyone right now, and i for one don't blame the victim but the bully. When Trendy Turnbull's got the whole press in his side, what choice has Nelson got but to keep his head down a little?
Nelson is no wimp. He won the fight, he's just trying not to gloat in Turnbull's face because he'd hit the roof. Turnbull is a bad sport as we saw when he berated Nelson within hours of winning the leader, for getting emotional about it!
It's time for Turnbull to behave like an adult, and put up or shut up. He should end hostile and contrary leaks to Nelson, or be honest about his hostility and challenge for the leadership.
Nelson's in charge of the Libs. He won fair and square. He's maintainted, even increased his partyroom support, as evident from the ETS press release.
Respect his Authoritah!!

BTW I congratulate the ABC on giving the interview a headline that actually reflects what Nelson said and did ("Nelson maintains stance on emissions trading scheme"), unlike everyone else (see prior blogs)