Saturday, January 19, 2008

Rudd's top-priority: Political speed-dating

Rudd obviously wants some more attention, so he's taking his cabinet on a tour of the country on a series of meet-the-people forums.

Of course the people will be hand picked by Rudd's team.

He's going to kick off the forums with an hour long Q&A session. Then he's there will be ono-on-one sessions available with each of the cabinet ministers, 6-a-piece lasting 10 miniutes each.

I know 10 minute private sessions are a regular thing between labor ministers and trade unionists around the country but there's no need to drag the rest of the country into this atmosphere of sleaze. (was that a double-entendre or not? keep 'em guessing)

Rudd, you've won the election already. The campaign is over. Why dont you stop calling focus groups and implement some of your ideas of how the country should be run?

Oh, Right. You dont have any.

So much for New Leadership.