Predictably the Howard model of teaching history, which gives European settlement some credit for creating the Utopia we now enjoy, has been dropped from the national curriculum.
Next he'll be dropping English. Hey it's a second language for some, why force it on people?
The heroic narrative from Blaney et al will no longer be compulsary. BTW the heroic narrative was never tha whole syllabus under Howard, other sides were explored, but the overall thrust was that we Aussies are the good guys not the bad guys, and we should be proud of what we've done, not ashamed.
The states will get a list of recommendations about teaching history instead, which is bound not to have any positve statements about everything we have achieved, and lots of shame-laden revisionism that provokes every enquiring mind into feelings of crippling guilt.
That way the bright kids wont demand a brighter future. They wont be motivated to work hard, thereby they wont set a bad example. The ALP want us all to be lazy. They can't have bright, enquiring proud young Australians making the rest look like slackers. This is a holiday home for blue collar bozos again, "as it should be".
"Put that history book away son. You're getting to big for your boots. There's nothing out there worth fighting for. Just grab another tinnie and sit here on the couch next to me.
What? Don't you wanna do fuck all your whole life?
Some Australian you turned out to be."