Friday, January 11, 2008

Labor tackles the big issues, like plastic bags

We all re-use the plastic bags in supermarkets to hold anything from garbage and dirty laundry to even recycled aluminium cans, but to labor they are a symbol of evil capitalist decadence and they must be banned.
Garrett: "We need to trade convenience for caring. Everybody, group hug."

I presume the aim of this new law is to reduce the number of plastic bags that get caught in our waterways and suffocate our platypus population. Labor could address this in another way, say by enforcing laws that are already in place but getting broken, but that would mean punishing crims whom labor instictively sympathise and identify with. They see themselves as little Ches or Ned Kellys fighting the 'system'.

Laws are not meant to be enforced, say Labor, only introduced and boasted about. Labor hopes people will obey them out of the goodness of their hearts. That's why the only laws they ever seem to introduce are targeted at law-abiding people.

This policy suits Labor down to the ground: it's a gesture that rings well with morons, it's patronising, it removes yet another freedom and it will have little or no net effect so you can't tell it if worked - they can claim credit for introducing it but avoid blame when nothing improves.

After all people can get plastic bags from sources other than supermarkets with which to suffocate platypuses (or platypi?)