Saturday, March 20, 2010

Like taking money from a baby, with the government's help

A loophope in the funding arrangements of the Julia Gillard memorial school hall rollout across the nation has granted the unions $80m.

Those big yobs in th CMFEU should have to apologise to the little kids at these schools. It's those poor little b*stards and all future generations that are going to have to pay back our commonwealth debt (to China) plus interest so that those bludging bozos could get their nice bonus.

Give the money back to the kids you thieving thugs. The fact that Rudd, Gillard and the ALP aided an abetted this crime just makes me sick.

The classic quote is the union official saying how the union yobs would use the bonus to "take their families our to dinner" or a "movie". Dont make me laugh. It's going straight to CUB and the TAB.

Talk about the dictatorship of the proletariat.

We'd all sooner have a meritocratic democracy where brains are rewarded - not brawn, cunning and intimidation.