Labor has new foreign investment guidelines anounced on Monday by Swan. The new guidelines show in an open and transparent fashion to aussie and oversees investors why a takover bid for an australian company would be accepted or rejected by the treasurer. They seem all fine and dandy to the non-commie focussed eyeball, but why do we need to clarify this now? Why is this on top of the agenda above Labor's beloved IR rollback? Why is it being slipped into the news under a pile putrid praise for Rudd after the apology? Why was the OZ co-opted to coat it with so much blatantly obvious sugary spin?
Because it stinks of curruption that's why! I have warned on this blog how Rudd will sell us out to China, but I did not think it would be done so soon or so literally.
The central fulcrum on which these guidlines pivot, and that whereby the Chinese GOVERNMENT's business in Australia will be leveraged to new heights, is the requirement that any foriegn-government-owned business must show the Treasurer that they operate with a clear commercial function at arms length from the government of their country.
Basically this means that all Chinese-govt owned investment funds have to do is write in an email to Swan in 50 words or less some bollocks about how they are true capitalists not at all enslaved by the communist dictatorship they work for, are owned by, and cannot speak out against for fear of not only their careers but their lives aswell.
In other words if foreign powers want to buy australian businesses they just have to prove they are as full of shit as the ALP.
Why precisely was it in the national interest to clarify the guidelines now, and insist on a transparent approvals procedure? Apparently Rudd did not want it to become a diplomatic incident between China and Aus if he turned down a Chinese govt owned company's attempted buyout of Aus mining concerns.
WTF? Rudd has been causing diplomatic incidents with Japan with the whaling for the entire time he's been in office! He either does not care about causing this incidents or he is openly playing favourites between pacific powers, either way it's not very diplomatic.
So what is the real motivation here? The motivation is exactly the opposite of what is stated. It is to allow a sell-out of Australian interests to the Chinese government, and avoid a diplomatic incident with the Australian people! Read it and weep. Rudd has put the Chinese national interest before our own. Here's how.
If you have clear and open guidelines and procedures you have to stick to them. You have to stick to them every time. That is the whole point. Openness takes away the descretion of the decision maker. He/she must make decisions that are seen to follow the guidlines by the public, or look like a liar. Alot of times it is in the public interest to tie an officials hands in this way. It normally stops curruption. Not in Rudd's case I fear.
The problem is if that public goes beyond the people to whom the officials are responsible. In this case the public includes the people who read newspapers in China, ie the chinese communist party. The Australian treasurer now cannot hide things from the Chinese government EVER! Rudd wants you to think this is in Australia's interests. It is not.
Costello was able to veto a foreign deal at the drop of a hat if he thought for any reason at all, not just the ones mentioned in advance, that the deal was not in the interests of the Aus public. Swan cannot. He is a powerless puppet of Chairman Rudd, Beijing's ambassador to Australia.
Rudd is not governing in this nation's interest. He is Governing in China's interest. He has done so strategically with by-lateral talks and by eroding our alliance with Japan and any potential of one with India. Now he is doing so financially. Can anyone remember him suggesting to the WA miners that they diversify into managing south american real-estate for the Chinese? I laughed then. I'm shitting myself now. I dont want to be lorded-over by commies, be they Chinese or the home grown ones in the ALP.
Why the fuck is Rudd doing this? His symbiosis with Beijing cant be just based on sympathy for other socialists, can it? Any business dealings or plans he may have from his years as a diplomat talking with China's buraucrat/businessmen must be scrutinised. He can easily clear this up with more transparency on his part.
Rudd is in the media this week because of the Burke dealings again. I think this is a Labor leak because the aoplogy overshadows any bad news about Rudd. I fear Rudd is willing to do dodgy deals within the ALP and without to get power and ultimately money.
A question must be asked in parliament. Rudd must answer to his true masters, the ACTU, i mean the Aussie public. Where are you Turnbull? You're the bloody shadow treasurer! Say something for Christ's sake! Compete with Nelson you bryll-cremed Bondi boy! Kick Rudd in the nuts! What are you waiting for?
Lib pollies are afraid that attacks on the invincible Rudd will backfire. Well Howard was invincible for 11 years and the ALP and the ABC mercilessly attacked him the whole time. If they can have the courage of their false convictions then those who are actually smart enough to understand the truth should surely be able to fight the good fight.
We are the good guys: the patriots, the tough decision-makers, the impartial adjudicators, the aiders of every Aussie that wants to make it on the world stage. The ALP are small-hearted and grubby back-room dealers, holiday-makers at the expense of the Aussie economy. The whole mirage that the ALP and the unions are seperate is a huge corrupt conjob pulled on the Australian public. A small sectional interest is bleeding the rest.
We in the Liberal party need to start digging
But we must wash our hands after touching this scum
I fear we will learn that the left-wing demagogues
Of the ALP are as corrupt as they come
Do you like my little poem? Fight 19th century ideas with 19th century pentametre I say.