This takes the cake. Labor dont like paying the subsidies to farmers that help them in the drought so they try to erase the word "drought" from the lexicon .
It's not a drought anymore, it's "dryness" in official government literature, if Labor get their way.
Interestingly enough, this is also the name i give to the feeling in my mouth when i get gripped by the horrifying visions of a brainwashing socialist future.
As Orwell says, if you cant say the word you can't think the thought. Welcome to AusSoc. Rudd is a doubleplusgood duckspeaker.
A drought has an end. Dryness doesn't. In Labor propaganda, Global Warming has changed the climate forever and it will never rain again. This is a total BS. BS pushed forward with an agenda.
If the dryness is seen as permanent it makes no sense to help farmers get though tough times. Better, in the Labor mind, to run them off the land.
Labor's agenda is taking money from people who produce things in this country, the agricultural sector, and give it to people who dont, the unemployed and others who benefit from this new so-called economic booster package, so these people's support for Labor is entrenched.
Well that money has to come from somewhere. Might as well be from people who voted Liberal and National.