And again they will reap what they have sown.
We saw it before with Palin, when the MSM's feeding frenzy on baby trig helped boost the GOP in the polls.
Backlashes happen. There is about to be another one because the one man who asked Obama a tough question (and i include McCain in that) is about to be run out of business
Joes question exposed Obama as a socialist and so "Joe the Plumber" was mentioned more times in the prez debate than Iraq was.
He was approached by Obama on the campain trail, not the other way around, he said what was on his mind about taxes, and now media scutiny is being applied to him.
Here's an Expose on Joe in the NYT deconstructed by Treacher
Bear in mind this is the same media scrutiny not applied to Bill Ayers or the The One, who actually wants to be President, not a plumber.
Joe will now pay the price of free speech in the new West: the ending of his career.
Sure, he should really get a license to be a plumber but his boss is happy employing him. This would never have happened if he had not taken on The One and the media
This time they have really gone too far. Sarah Palin was a politician. Joe is an ordinary citizen. The Media are taking on the people directly, openly, unapologetically.
This could tip the election. There are alot of Joe the Plumbers in America.
(picture swiped from Ace Of Spades HQ)
PS I just noticed how on the first line I wrote about the media's enemies, not the Democrat's enemies. I now unconsciously assume the entire media to be left-wing and vehemently so. It doesn't help when Murdoch's main Aussie rag always plumps for The One. I cant even read The OZ anymore. I just skim the headlines on-line. It's all about how great Rudd is ... and no news. You wouldn't read about it.
UPDATE: Ha!! Told ya. the main on-line portal for Murdoch in Australia has exposed Joe too. Feel oppressed yet? This is no joke folks. The media really are out to get the everyman in their way.