Alot of times i don't feel like a real blogger. Everything i comment on comes out of the legacy media. I should link to other blogs in Oz more i know but it's a start. Some days I feel I can add something to the legacy media pieces, mainly moral rancour, other days all I can really do is give the link and say "'nuff said". Today is such a day and i'd like to refer you to the article entitled Rudd's baby farms not great for kids in the OZ. I was going to blog a little something yesterday about this but thought it was a pedestrian topic the legacy media could handle without my supervision.
I will add a little something though. The authors did not talk about how these parent and child (PC) centres provide opportunities for teachers and nurses, the two most indocrinated groups of people in the country, to shove their immasculating anti-competition anti-individualist pro-consensus guilt-based dogma down our children's throats.
The State (read: Rudd) will be taking Aussie children away from their families. It's like the Hilter Youth but starting from age 3. Actually a closer analogy is Maoist China, were kids are brought up on the little Red book and encouraged to inform on their parents if they speak against their leaders. The kids trust the government more than their parents and feel a stronger loyalty towards them BECAUSE THAT IS WHO THEY SPEND MOST OF THEIR TIME WITH!!!!
I find this all terrifying. Chairman Rudd is fully conscious that this is what he is doing. In typical Commie fashion he is usurping power and consolidating the blind loyalty of his minions for generations to come by manipulating public sympathy for some 'oppressed' group, in this case working mum's. By elevating one group's suffering up as more important than all others Rudd is able to gain the gushing love he needs to kill off the freedom of all groups.
Government should not discriminate between parants who stay home with their kids and parents that choose child care. Evidence suggests that kids are happier if they are at home more, but Mum's (and Dad's) at work earn more and they might want the freedom. More power to 'em. I think it's up to individual families to decide the balance. And it's up to the private sector and the voluntary (third) sector to provide the service, not the Nanny State. Rudd want's to tax those who stay at home to pay for childcare for those that go to work. This is not freedom of choice. As one of the speakers at the dinner where Rudd announed this nonscense said, this sound like old-fashioned Socialism to me.
Too bloody right, mate. Let's have some old fashioned Aussie scepticism to combat it.