The Finance Minister has added today to the Lefty Lexicon. "Producerism", is the all-encompasing term he uses for the the ills of interventionalist economics. It over-regulates and restricts the supply of products, inflating prices.At least i think that's what this garbled piece was implying.
The opposite "consumerism" is the Labor mantra. He's apparently going to stick up for consumers.
Dispite the dodgy dogma this sounds like a good idea. Except when you realise that this guy is all about protectionism, with his pals at the MUA (see last weeks posts).
Ahem. Don't you think, Spannerman, that the beligerence of the trade unions is "producerism" with regard to the product that is labour? Aren't your government colluding with 'sectional interests' you mentioned to inflate the price of labour by distorting the market? Is this not the very evil your rail against?
You have lauded free-market principles to an even higher moral plain, by removing the machinations of economics and simply stateing it in your morally superior tone that to regulate is to do wrong. Thanks, mate.
Not only have you have strengthened conservative arguments, you have made your own side of politics look two-faced, economically lax and stupid. By your own implication you are acting in an immoral way, as a protectionist yourself. You seem not to have enough brains to work this out, but merely enough to mangle the English language as you lie yourself into believing you own BS.
You're a moron, pal. You cannot walk this line without having the courage of your convictions. OK, some people are gullible and they MIGHT believe you were really not a protectionist, but they won't, because you can't resist the temptation to say things that are obviously untrue.
The fact that you insist that Howard had not done one deregulatory ("consumerist" by your ridiculous newspeak) reform in 11 years is simply laughable. WorkChoices was his biggest and you have made it your life's mission to dissemble it. No-one is going to believe you if you spin it that harshly. You sound like a proper tosser inflated with your 52/48% victory. Swallow your pride and admit he was right at least part of the time. It will make you look genuine, even if you aren't.
You're a politician. Grow Up. Get a bit diplomatic, start being rational and you'll be percieved as civilised. I know you have a background in the unions but you're going to have to stop trying to win arguments by staring people down and shouting in their face one day.