Does anyone else think there is a possibility that a lefty Labor back-bencher with nothing left to lose (not necessarily this MP) might cross the floor for the Malaysia solution vote?
I mean they would be heroes of the left, but they would get disendorsed by the ALP because they impose brutal discipline. In they were going to lose their seat anyway and would rather go out with a bang would it be worth their while?
I reckon it might be? But then again all lefties are hypocrites who want to hang on to power by any means so they can keep the cash coming in and keep the "greedy capitalists" out of power.
So i guess the chance is minimal. I mean who on the left is really going to show backbone and principle? If they had those qualities they'd be o the right, right?
In any case I dont see Crook voting with them, unless he has a fetish about being tarred and feathered and ridden out of his WA country constituency on a rail. So the ALP's majority is in danger if they proceded. If they lose the vote, doesn't the govt have to resign under westminster?
Oh right, no that would involve lefties respecting the rules and the ancient conventions of the constitution. My bad