This is the guy who sold us the line that Rudd was an economic conservative at the last election. He should never be allowed to live it down.
Kelly is once again exposed in the piece linked below
He accuses Abbott of arrogance for refusing to debate Gillard again, or rather accepting her refusal of two weeks ago to debate him again
talk about damning with faint praise. in this he attacks labor party strategy so much that it is evident he has strong emotions invested in a labor victory
Show your colours Kelly. Tell us who you vote for.
The Australian has once again failed to live up to it's free market creed by failing to endorse the (truly) conservative candidate.
There must be a real war at that paper between the front-line journos who cant stand labor, and the pseudo-intellectual commentators like kelly and van onselen who hide their true lefty selves
All journos should have to declare their political interests at the top of each article, in the same way economic interests are recorded
I proudly vote Liberal
Abbott 4 PM!