Two-face aka Rudd has caused people to lose their jobs, and is claiming that this is not his fault but rather an intimidation tactic by miners.
THis is typical labor hypocrisy. To straighten out this twisted view of morality lets ask the PM a few questions -set him an exam, if you will:
Q1) Out of the PM and the miners, who can command the police to enforce the law as they see fit?
A: Obviously the PM.
Q2) Who can refuses to use the police enforce to the law against illegal strikes if they so desire?
A: The govt.
Q3) WHo can change the law at will, even without any consulation with any other person in the country apart from their mate the treasurer ?
A: The PM. (if it were not for the Fact that Abbott can block it in the senate. thank god)
Q4) who can coerce union-members into giving up more money against their will to pay for a advertising campaign that damages their own job prospects?
A: Err. the Labor party
Comparing the PM's view that miners have a monopoly on intimidation with these obviously correct answers we can give him only one result: EPIC FAIL!!
Lefties dont get it. A capitalist can't force anyone to do anything. They cant punish you. They can only reward you. IF you want to work, you can be rewarded. If you dont work. they cant do shit about it.They cant even sack you under unfair dismissal laws. That's why strikes are effective - as long as the police refuse to enforce the contracts which workers legally entered into to actually GO TO WORK AND WORK THERE.
Indimidation is The Labor way. Use large men to scare hard-working people off work sites. ALways was this way, always will be . Picketing strikers have no legal right to block people who are not striking from working on site , because they dont own the mine and cant prevent access to it. Unless they have a complicit labor govt which refuses to enforce the law.
The government is doing all the intimidating here. Only the govt has guns. when push comes to shove. the govt has the power. when labor is in power they turn that power against he hard-working and innovative part of the community - because they envy them so much. It dropped a bombshell on the mining community and said "take it or leave it". the facade of consultation after that fact is merely that - a facade. Once the election is over Rudd will shaft everyone to whom he has promised concessions, just like he did last time, with one exception - his paymasters the unions.
Labor does not get that their tactics of intimidation are not open to business. Business is all carrot. Labor is all stick. This was first pointed out by Ayn Rand who said money is a not evil, because it changes hands when people get something in exchane for it. The brute force of governments is much more easily perverted to unjust ends than the exchange of payment for goods and services. Where's the intimidation there?
The only thing a capitalist can use as a stick is offerring a bit less carrot. If you dont like carrot, business cant force you to take it. only govts can do that.
But there is one thing that the government cannot force people to do. It cant force people to give a shit. It cant force people to work hard and get ahead. And it CANT FORCE BUSINESSES TO STAY OPEN EVEN THOUGH THOSE BUSINESSES DECIDE THAT IT'S NOT WORTH THE EFFORT.
When that happens. The industrious people just go "f*ck it. i'll become a bludger myself. Not only am i not making any more money than my staff whist stressing myself out all day and night. i spend my whole life taking shit for it - just because i'm the bastard who came up with the business idea in the first place and and lost sleep trying to make it a reality and GAVE OTHER PEOPLE JOBS. Well you can all get stuffed. I QUIT!"
Labor is so addicted to the drug of intimidation they cannot understand that the business sector wont respond to it. Rudd offers nothing to the miners, and expects them to make a deal and like it. That's not how business works. Where's the carrot?
A labor polician sees a carrot and thinks it's a short orange stick, and then procedes to beat hard-working industrious people do death with it.
Picture an army of unionised public servants commanded by labor commisars walking onto business sites across the country and beating managers to death with carrots. And when the staff question the wisdom of this they force-feed them carrots until they die from vitamin C overdoses.
That's the future of this country if you re-elect Rudd.
Mmmm, carrots.