Why? Because it was getting too easy to take the piss out of Kevin Rudd. Although i must admit i did enjoy the Kevin OLemon ad.
But Gillard is harder to attack. She's a woman so she might attract (irrational) sympathy from a bloke having a go at her, and she's more sturdy as a personality and experienced as a poltician than Rudd. (I'll have mOre on Rudd's issues and a possible case later)
Abbott now has to come out and outline why he is better. He needs to return to some of the themes in battlelines and be the compassionate conservative he is.
I dont believe he is a turn-off for females because he is good looking and strong in physique and personality. Any talk of looks is superficial and not intended to be patronising to parts of the electorate. But it all counts in politics.
Besides Gillard looks like Lady Macbeth now. She's not the figure of transcendent compassion that Rudd and Obama were. Lefties wont respond to her that well.
The emotional playing field is level, almost. Tony has to defend as well as attack or it wont matter how many goals he scores, Gillard will score more.
If he shows us his mad skills I am for the first time predicting a Liberal victory in the next federal election.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I feel pity for the ALP. This is new territory
I really despise Rudd, but he was elected by the people of Oz, and today he was treated like shit on the bottom of a union bosses' shoe today ... and scraped off. I bet he feels like it too.
Gillard is a smart and brave woman. I agree with her anti-teacher's union policies. Of any labor figure i'd prefer her as PM.
But i'm sure she'd prefer to have been elected by the Australian People rather than ALP faction bosses.
These are dissapointing circumstances for such a historic occasion. The first woman Australian PM deserved to be elected like Thatcher. Not marched in to the job with a gun to her head. The people of Australia, the women of australia deserved that too.
Nevertheless PM Gillard deserves congratulations. The glass ceiling is no more. I hope Australian girls and women feel more confident for this historic event.
OK enough empathy for labor. They have been holding my country back for 100 years and it's an insult to the hard-working people of this country to consider Labor politicians as human beings for more than a few seconds every electoral cycle.
So from our perspective, is PM Julia Gillard a game changer?
I dont honestly think so tonight. Gillard has more appeal than Rudd, sure, but watching the news reports tonight they all give almost as much airtime to the devious backroom machinations of the ALP as they do to the historic appointment of a woman PM.
I think that australia has equality of the sexes. I dont think that being a woman will protect Gillard from criticism, nor will it prevent Abbott from attacking. After all Labor are personal in their attacks on Abbot. We also have Julie Bishop on our side.
Labor has installed female leaders recently in queensland and NSW. Bligh was confirmed in her job by the electorate but since then the gloss has worn off Anna Bligh and CHristina Keneally pretty quickly. And it's only fitting that any person in high office be judged on their merits. I dont think Julia Gillard will be any different.
Gillard is fundamentally tied up with certain ALP policies that are not popular and very difficult to change without them losing huge swathes of their base: The ETS reversal, the building education revolution rorts, and the lack of control of our borders.
I really dont see how she can change policy on this and i dont think Aussies are that dumb that they will think a change in salesperson is a change of product here (to quote the Libs today)
Without taking back the ETS the left voters will stay away from labor.
Without moving to the right on asylum the right voters will stay away. They are stuck.
She cant change the BER policy failures without writing history. Labor tried that in true Big Brother style today with it's first references to the "Gillard Government". Kevin Rudd is not the un-Prime Minister of whom we do not speak.
The one thing Gillard can change is the mining tax. and progress has been made. Abbott in parliament today was trying to say that the policy would not change as long as the revenue from the tax is fixed in the budget.
I think we can rest assured, if this labor backflip is a con, the miners wont be fooled. The Ads on both sides have been suspended for now. But unless the retrospectivity of the tax is removed, the rate reduced, the rate of profits at which the tax kicks-in increased, and different rates for different minerals are negotiated and signed off then i see a return of the ads and the mining industry throwing their weight behind the libs, and a liberal victory.
This is about more than the tax aswell. The miners have had to put up with strikes recently. They can see the unions flexing their muscles. The unions need one more term in govt to consolidate their power and take us back to the bad old days of class war and economic retardation. The miners dont want this after spending so much effort to get unions out of the mines in recent years.
Nevertheless business rolled over at the last election. I dont trust them to defend themselves and the future prosperity of the nation this time around.
The best thing to come from all this is that the machinations of the labor party factions have been brought into the open for all to see... well, as much as they can be. They remain secret but we know they are there , and we know they are ugly. IT has always been that way. It will always be that way. As i wrote before labor is about intimidation. Labor thinks a carrot is a short orange stick.
This is all the eventual result of Howard taking on the unions with workchoices. I still contend that Howard knew WC was an electoral dud. It was always bait to trap the unions into a fight that would resolve itself in Australia's favour a decade or so later. Union power relies on them remaining in the background. Their hubris has brought them into the open. They are exposed.
Every tear Kevin Rudd shed washed away the false idea that the Labor party is the guardians of morality in politics. They are utterly without mercy.
The idea their fight for worker's rights gives them the moral high ground is simple false. Workers are not just the people who work with their hands. Bosses are workers too in that they work hard and also that they are usually employees. Shareholders are the ultimate "bosses" but they are the mums and dads of australia with money invested and super funds. The idea that black hearted cigar smoking men are behind the scenes bleeding the people of australia for their profit is bullshit. Always was.
I just finished reading the history of BHP. They've had their oversights in public and industrial relations, but Australia became an industrial nation largely because of the energy and enterprise of their management and staff.
Short of being and ANZAC, I dont see how you can get more public-spirited and patriotic than that.
Gillard is a smart and brave woman. I agree with her anti-teacher's union policies. Of any labor figure i'd prefer her as PM.
But i'm sure she'd prefer to have been elected by the Australian People rather than ALP faction bosses.
These are dissapointing circumstances for such a historic occasion. The first woman Australian PM deserved to be elected like Thatcher. Not marched in to the job with a gun to her head. The people of Australia, the women of australia deserved that too.
Nevertheless PM Gillard deserves congratulations. The glass ceiling is no more. I hope Australian girls and women feel more confident for this historic event.
OK enough empathy for labor. They have been holding my country back for 100 years and it's an insult to the hard-working people of this country to consider Labor politicians as human beings for more than a few seconds every electoral cycle.
So from our perspective, is PM Julia Gillard a game changer?
I dont honestly think so tonight. Gillard has more appeal than Rudd, sure, but watching the news reports tonight they all give almost as much airtime to the devious backroom machinations of the ALP as they do to the historic appointment of a woman PM.
I think that australia has equality of the sexes. I dont think that being a woman will protect Gillard from criticism, nor will it prevent Abbott from attacking. After all Labor are personal in their attacks on Abbot. We also have Julie Bishop on our side.
Labor has installed female leaders recently in queensland and NSW. Bligh was confirmed in her job by the electorate but since then the gloss has worn off Anna Bligh and CHristina Keneally pretty quickly. And it's only fitting that any person in high office be judged on their merits. I dont think Julia Gillard will be any different.
Gillard is fundamentally tied up with certain ALP policies that are not popular and very difficult to change without them losing huge swathes of their base: The ETS reversal, the building education revolution rorts, and the lack of control of our borders.
I really dont see how she can change policy on this and i dont think Aussies are that dumb that they will think a change in salesperson is a change of product here (to quote the Libs today)
Without taking back the ETS the left voters will stay away from labor.
Without moving to the right on asylum the right voters will stay away. They are stuck.
She cant change the BER policy failures without writing history. Labor tried that in true Big Brother style today with it's first references to the "Gillard Government". Kevin Rudd is not the un-Prime Minister of whom we do not speak.
The one thing Gillard can change is the mining tax. and progress has been made. Abbott in parliament today was trying to say that the policy would not change as long as the revenue from the tax is fixed in the budget.
I think we can rest assured, if this labor backflip is a con, the miners wont be fooled. The Ads on both sides have been suspended for now. But unless the retrospectivity of the tax is removed, the rate reduced, the rate of profits at which the tax kicks-in increased, and different rates for different minerals are negotiated and signed off then i see a return of the ads and the mining industry throwing their weight behind the libs, and a liberal victory.
This is about more than the tax aswell. The miners have had to put up with strikes recently. They can see the unions flexing their muscles. The unions need one more term in govt to consolidate their power and take us back to the bad old days of class war and economic retardation. The miners dont want this after spending so much effort to get unions out of the mines in recent years.
Nevertheless business rolled over at the last election. I dont trust them to defend themselves and the future prosperity of the nation this time around.
The best thing to come from all this is that the machinations of the labor party factions have been brought into the open for all to see... well, as much as they can be. They remain secret but we know they are there , and we know they are ugly. IT has always been that way. It will always be that way. As i wrote before labor is about intimidation. Labor thinks a carrot is a short orange stick.
This is all the eventual result of Howard taking on the unions with workchoices. I still contend that Howard knew WC was an electoral dud. It was always bait to trap the unions into a fight that would resolve itself in Australia's favour a decade or so later. Union power relies on them remaining in the background. Their hubris has brought them into the open. They are exposed.
Every tear Kevin Rudd shed washed away the false idea that the Labor party is the guardians of morality in politics. They are utterly without mercy.
The idea their fight for worker's rights gives them the moral high ground is simple false. Workers are not just the people who work with their hands. Bosses are workers too in that they work hard and also that they are usually employees. Shareholders are the ultimate "bosses" but they are the mums and dads of australia with money invested and super funds. The idea that black hearted cigar smoking men are behind the scenes bleeding the people of australia for their profit is bullshit. Always was.
I just finished reading the history of BHP. They've had their oversights in public and industrial relations, but Australia became an industrial nation largely because of the energy and enterprise of their management and staff.
Short of being and ANZAC, I dont see how you can get more public-spirited and patriotic than that.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Two-face Intimidates while claiming the miners are doing the intimidating
Two-face aka Rudd has caused people to lose their jobs, and is claiming that this is not his fault but rather an intimidation tactic by miners.
THis is typical labor hypocrisy. To straighten out this twisted view of morality lets ask the PM a few questions -set him an exam, if you will:
Q1) Out of the PM and the miners, who can command the police to enforce the law as they see fit?
A: Obviously the PM.
Q2) Who can refuses to use the police enforce to the law against illegal strikes if they so desire?
A: The govt.
Q3) WHo can change the law at will, even without any consulation with any other person in the country apart from their mate the treasurer ?
A: The PM. (if it were not for the Fact that Abbott can block it in the senate. thank god)
Q4) who can coerce union-members into giving up more money against their will to pay for a advertising campaign that damages their own job prospects?
A: Err. the Labor party
Comparing the PM's view that miners have a monopoly on intimidation with these obviously correct answers we can give him only one result: EPIC FAIL!!
Lefties dont get it. A capitalist can't force anyone to do anything. They cant punish you. They can only reward you. IF you want to work, you can be rewarded. If you dont work. they cant do shit about it.They cant even sack you under unfair dismissal laws. That's why strikes are effective - as long as the police refuse to enforce the contracts which workers legally entered into to actually GO TO WORK AND WORK THERE.
Indimidation is The Labor way. Use large men to scare hard-working people off work sites. ALways was this way, always will be . Picketing strikers have no legal right to block people who are not striking from working on site , because they dont own the mine and cant prevent access to it. Unless they have a complicit labor govt which refuses to enforce the law.
The government is doing all the intimidating here. Only the govt has guns. when push comes to shove. the govt has the power. when labor is in power they turn that power against he hard-working and innovative part of the community - because they envy them so much. It dropped a bombshell on the mining community and said "take it or leave it". the facade of consultation after that fact is merely that - a facade. Once the election is over Rudd will shaft everyone to whom he has promised concessions, just like he did last time, with one exception - his paymasters the unions.
Labor does not get that their tactics of intimidation are not open to business. Business is all carrot. Labor is all stick. This was first pointed out by Ayn Rand who said money is a not evil, because it changes hands when people get something in exchane for it. The brute force of governments is much more easily perverted to unjust ends than the exchange of payment for goods and services. Where's the intimidation there?
The only thing a capitalist can use as a stick is offerring a bit less carrot. If you dont like carrot, business cant force you to take it. only govts can do that.
But there is one thing that the government cannot force people to do. It cant force people to give a shit. It cant force people to work hard and get ahead. And it CANT FORCE BUSINESSES TO STAY OPEN EVEN THOUGH THOSE BUSINESSES DECIDE THAT IT'S NOT WORTH THE EFFORT.
When that happens. The industrious people just go "f*ck it. i'll become a bludger myself. Not only am i not making any more money than my staff whist stressing myself out all day and night. i spend my whole life taking shit for it - just because i'm the bastard who came up with the business idea in the first place and and lost sleep trying to make it a reality and GAVE OTHER PEOPLE JOBS. Well you can all get stuffed. I QUIT!"
Labor is so addicted to the drug of intimidation they cannot understand that the business sector wont respond to it. Rudd offers nothing to the miners, and expects them to make a deal and like it. That's not how business works. Where's the carrot?
A labor polician sees a carrot and thinks it's a short orange stick, and then procedes to beat hard-working industrious people do death with it.
Picture an army of unionised public servants commanded by labor commisars walking onto business sites across the country and beating managers to death with carrots. And when the staff question the wisdom of this they force-feed them carrots until they die from vitamin C overdoses.
That's the future of this country if you re-elect Rudd.
Mmmm, carrots.
THis is typical labor hypocrisy. To straighten out this twisted view of morality lets ask the PM a few questions -set him an exam, if you will:
Q1) Out of the PM and the miners, who can command the police to enforce the law as they see fit?
A: Obviously the PM.
Q2) Who can refuses to use the police enforce to the law against illegal strikes if they so desire?
A: The govt.
Q3) WHo can change the law at will, even without any consulation with any other person in the country apart from their mate the treasurer ?
A: The PM. (if it were not for the Fact that Abbott can block it in the senate. thank god)
Q4) who can coerce union-members into giving up more money against their will to pay for a advertising campaign that damages their own job prospects?
A: Err. the Labor party
Comparing the PM's view that miners have a monopoly on intimidation with these obviously correct answers we can give him only one result: EPIC FAIL!!
Lefties dont get it. A capitalist can't force anyone to do anything. They cant punish you. They can only reward you. IF you want to work, you can be rewarded. If you dont work. they cant do shit about it.They cant even sack you under unfair dismissal laws. That's why strikes are effective - as long as the police refuse to enforce the contracts which workers legally entered into to actually GO TO WORK AND WORK THERE.
Indimidation is The Labor way. Use large men to scare hard-working people off work sites. ALways was this way, always will be . Picketing strikers have no legal right to block people who are not striking from working on site , because they dont own the mine and cant prevent access to it. Unless they have a complicit labor govt which refuses to enforce the law.
The government is doing all the intimidating here. Only the govt has guns. when push comes to shove. the govt has the power. when labor is in power they turn that power against he hard-working and innovative part of the community - because they envy them so much. It dropped a bombshell on the mining community and said "take it or leave it". the facade of consultation after that fact is merely that - a facade. Once the election is over Rudd will shaft everyone to whom he has promised concessions, just like he did last time, with one exception - his paymasters the unions.
Labor does not get that their tactics of intimidation are not open to business. Business is all carrot. Labor is all stick. This was first pointed out by Ayn Rand who said money is a not evil, because it changes hands when people get something in exchane for it. The brute force of governments is much more easily perverted to unjust ends than the exchange of payment for goods and services. Where's the intimidation there?
The only thing a capitalist can use as a stick is offerring a bit less carrot. If you dont like carrot, business cant force you to take it. only govts can do that.
But there is one thing that the government cannot force people to do. It cant force people to give a shit. It cant force people to work hard and get ahead. And it CANT FORCE BUSINESSES TO STAY OPEN EVEN THOUGH THOSE BUSINESSES DECIDE THAT IT'S NOT WORTH THE EFFORT.
When that happens. The industrious people just go "f*ck it. i'll become a bludger myself. Not only am i not making any more money than my staff whist stressing myself out all day and night. i spend my whole life taking shit for it - just because i'm the bastard who came up with the business idea in the first place and and lost sleep trying to make it a reality and GAVE OTHER PEOPLE JOBS. Well you can all get stuffed. I QUIT!"
Labor is so addicted to the drug of intimidation they cannot understand that the business sector wont respond to it. Rudd offers nothing to the miners, and expects them to make a deal and like it. That's not how business works. Where's the carrot?
A labor polician sees a carrot and thinks it's a short orange stick, and then procedes to beat hard-working industrious people do death with it.
Picture an army of unionised public servants commanded by labor commisars walking onto business sites across the country and beating managers to death with carrots. And when the staff question the wisdom of this they force-feed them carrots until they die from vitamin C overdoses.
That's the future of this country if you re-elect Rudd.
Mmmm, carrots.
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