OMG Is this idea for an Asian Union the worst idea you've ever heard or what?
It's ridiculous. And apparently thrown together in a panic. It has no detail.
The idea of Asian countries ceding sovereignty is truly ludicrous. The Europeans should never have done it either.
Kevin Rudd referred to the apocalyptic conflicts that weakened the countries of Europe so much that they lost the will to have sovereignty as France and Germany sorting out their differences.
Idiot. Insensitive Idiot.
The EU does not prevent further wars in Europe. The USA and Russia do. The league of nations was started after WWI to prevent WWII. We all know how that ended. The constitution of the United States did not prevent the States from rebelling. Abraham Lincoln did.
An Asian Union will not prevent wars in Asia. It will cause them.
If we force Japan, India and China to combine their legal systems, economies and currencies to the detriment of their national interests (as has been done in Europe) they will almost certainly break apart. That separation will require conflagration.
Thank heavens it is impossible to make this happen. The countries of Asia will never agree to it.
Japan already tried to unite them once. Can't see it happening again.
It was mentioned to me before the election that if Rudd won we would just have to trust in the institutions and the people of this fine country. It's working out well so far (hence the fact i have not blogged for weeks). Australia instinctively protects itself from bullshit. What is amazing me is that there is so much consensus across the political divide between all the serious thinkers. The chorus of jeers from old Labor PMs in the OZ is brilliant. (I hate Keating but he's not a lightweight like Rudd.)
Rudd's stupid ideas are getting shot down even before they leave the ground. He does not have the guts to push them through.
He does not even have the guts to bring back unfair dismissal which he was elected to do!!
I love it.