Very scare article from by glenn milne about how the Maritime Union of Aus is looking to re-assert itself after the ACTU, i mean ALP federal election victory.
A document has been leaked that outlines a meeting between Rudd and the MUA.
Rudd has approved a number of measures that are simply wrong, and quite humourous:
Mandatory drug tests are to be got rid off for wharfies who operate heavy machinery because it apparently disadvantages members with a recreational drug habit
The messages is cleared VOTE LABOR, BONG ON.
Also pattern bargaining, whereby wharfies and sailors who sit on their arses in the less profitable port of Melboune, and who have the convenience of sinking piss with their mates at AFL games on the weekend get paid the same as hard-working wharfies who work for busy companies that makes lots of money in WA, and endure the inconvenience of flying to Port Kembla to work while their families live in Perth.
Pattern bargaining was explicitly ruled out by Rudd before the election. Now it's back. Somehow this does not suprise me. I repeat: THE ALP AND THE UNIONS ARE ONE AND THE SAME THING!
The most terrifying aspect of the story is that Rudd has agreed to give the MUA the confidential security information of 'scabs and freeloaders' who work on the wharves and ships but are not MUA members.
Rudd has compromised the rights and the safety of Australian citizens to protect the narrow interest of this groups that have given him money.
Rudd is selling your economy and your rights down the tube. Don't be fooled.
This is not new leadership, its the same old tune of slapping the Australian worker on the back until he gives in to strong arm of the union movement. Anybody who does not understand this go and watch 'on the waterfront'.
Labor are the party of reaction in this country. They want to take us back to the bad old days of union power, but this time with the overwhelming moral support of the legacy media aswell.
A new era of herd-intimidation has begun in Australia. The individual and his or her rights at work have not been upheld, they are being trampled on by the self-righteous hyporcritucal and culturally currupt ALP.
Rudd said he would stand up to union unfluence. This was a straight up lie to the australian electorate whom he is in the process of betraying.
Howard was standing up for the rights of individual employees and employers in the workplace to be free to negotiate on their own terms. Howard was taking us forward, as he had been doing for 11 years into a place where many Australians was not confortable, a ambition and power on the world stage.
Labor has lopped the tall poppy we were growing into and taken us back to the Ned Kelly anti-authority mindset that has kepy a lid on the ambitions of Australia and Australians for too long.
It's time for all fo us ourselves what kind of country we want to live in.
It's time for the rugged individual that Australia is to stand up and be counted.