I'll tell you what. This:

Abbott has adopted the expressionless mona lisa smile of Rudd!
Lord help us! Abbot!!!! of all people. Our kead-kicker in chief brought low before the alter of trendy metrosexual androgeny.
For me his haste to proove his 'people skills' here has just put Abbot even further out or reach of the leadership. He shouldn't hang up his boots thought. Based on what he wrote and not what he looks like he is perfectly qualified to defend Nelson against the (almost irresistable) forces dragging the party left.
If the ALP gets in by moving right it does not mean we have to move left. We do not have to go all touchy-feely in substance or in style(*). It might make the ABC like us but it's tasteless and we'll have to retract it to get taken seriously by our base, as David Cameron has had to do in England.
We should not become the party of bullshit ande hypocrisy. People will be sick of that from Rudd and co soon enough. We have to wait for that to happen.
(*) Note this comment does not contradict my recommendation of showing feelings. Being determined and hard is a feeling too!