He's at it again. Rudd is presuming to overturn a century of ALP tradition by arrogating to himself the right to solely appoint the ALP front bench. Previously the causus and through it the factions, unions and states had a say. Not any more says Rudd. I thought he was cracking down on Hubris. He's up to his neck in it now. But how?
Rudd, and newly off-the-hook Swan, felt the need to clarify this position after Rudd said in characheristic castrato bravado, “Let me be very clear about this: I’ll be determining the composition of the Labor ministry should we be elected to form the next government of the country,” in response to pressure from the Libs to reduce uncertainty in front-bench appointments.
It is now becoming clear how these drastic Labor policy shifts come about: though a combination of Rudd's hubris and sheer stupidity. In an attempt to look strong he keeps saying forceful things without looking up the facts or thinking about the consequences. After this he collegues have to fall into line behind him to make it look like this is a well thought out new policy position. He's not making it up as he goes along. He's making it up AFTER he goes along. He probably failed to see that he was contradicting Labour Party tradition, just as he failed to see that not endorsing Swan would leave him open to accusations of leaving roles open for union bosses. Both times he has embarrassed himself and his party.
I think I have been over-estimating Rudd's cunning, and underestimating his stupidity. What's that saying again 'There's only one conspiracy, and that's ignorance'. Rudd certainly has more than his fair share of that, as demonstrated by his collosal tax gaffe last week, right when he and Swan were supposed to by formulating their tax policy. Sheah ... right.
Does Rudd really think that the unions will stand by and allow him to do something that is so contrary to Labor tradition and I presume against the Labor Party constitution? (please tell me there isn't one). If Rudd wanted to get one over on the unions why didn't he keep his trap shut and surprise them after the election? Because he slipped up and now the cat's outta the bag (I gotta stop answering my own questions like u-no-hu). Rudd is a media-hungry moron playing catch up to remarks he said half a week ago. He's a light-weight.
I bet we get a retraction of this latest statement because of back-room pressure from the factions and unions, and then the ALP will front-bench have to think of another excuse for the u-turn. Oh please, PM recall parliament so you can bash the Ruddites over the head with that one.